Answered By: Norma Drepaul Last Updated: Sep 29, 2021 Views: 4020
- Open a new blank document in Microsoft Word, then click on the Font diagonal arrow
- Select Times New Roman from the Font menu
- Select 12 from the Size menu
- Click on Set As Default
- Click OK on the pop-up box
Line Spacing
- Bring down the Paragraph menu by clicking on the diagonal arrow
- Make sure that Spacing Before and After are set to 0 pt
- Check the box for “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style”
- Select Double from the Line spacing menu
- Click on Set As Default
- Click OK on the pop-up box
Make sure that the margins are set to one inch all around:
- Go to the Layout tab
- Click on Margins
- Select or make sure that Normal (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) is set to 1”
Header and Page Number
- Go to the Insert tab
- Click on Page Number
- Click on Top of Page
- Select Plain Number 3 (aligns to the right)
- Enter your last name and press the space bar key on the keyboard (do not alter the number configuration, this will automatically number each page)
- Click on Close Header and Footer to continue setting up your document.
Document Heading
MLA style calls for a heading only on the first page, and this will list your name and the class information. There is not title sheet, unless your professor specifically asks for one.
- Enter your first and last name, then press enter to go down to the next line
- Type the word Professor followed by your professor's last name, then press enter
- Enter the class name, number, and section (if requested by your professor), then press enter
- Enter the date using the day, full month, and year format
See example:
Title for your Document and Starting your Essay
You will need to create a title for your document, and this only goes on the first page, after the heading.
- After you have typed the date, press the enter key (on the keyboard) to go down to the next line (only press the enter key once)
- From the Home tab, click on the Center align button
- Type the title of your essay/document, and press the enter key to go down to the next line
- From the Home tab, click on the Left align button
- Press the tab key (on the keyboard) to indent your first paragraph, and start typing your essay
Note* As you type, Word uses a feature called "word wrap" so you do not have to worry about your text going over the right margin. Also, remember to indent all of your paragraphs, unless indicated otherwise by your professor.
Works Cited Page
After your essay, the last section is the Works Cited list. This is where you list all your sources alphabetically and follow strict MLA citation guidelines. MLA calls for double line spacing and requires hanging indentation. A hanging indent is where the first line of an entry extends out to the left margin, and the rest of the entry is indented.
To set up your Works Cited list:
- Place a page break after your essay, if necessary, to start your references list on a new page
A page break can be inserted by pressing the control and enter keys (from your keyboard) at the same time, or by going to the Insert tab and clicking on the Page Break button. - Type and center: Works Cited
- Press enter key to move the cursor to the next line, and then from the Home tab, click on the left align button
- Click on the down arrow in the Paragraph group
- Under the Indentation section, select Hanging from the Special menu
- Click OK
- Start typing your citation entries following MLA guidelines.
Not sure about the format? Contact your professor or librarian.
For examples and instructions on how to cite your sources in MLA style, see:
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