Answered By: Norma Drepaul
Last Updated: Dec 16, 2022     Views: 513

Check your student e-mail daily to stay current with information about the school and messages from your professors.


Access Your Student E-mail

  1. Go to the homepage for Los Angeles Southwest College:, click on Login (located on the top menu), and click on the SIS Portal.
  2. Log in with your student credentials (your student ID number and your system password)
  3. Click on Mail-Outlook
  4. Select No if you are on a public computer.
  5. To access your student e-mail click on Outlook.

step 1

 step 2

step 3

step 4


email screenshot




Forward Your Student E-mail to Your Personal E-mail

  1. After you have logged into your student e-mail, click on the Settings button
  2. In the search box, start typing the word forwarding (this is auto-responsive so the menu options will quickly appear), then click on the link for Forwarding
  3. Click on Enable forwarding checkbox
  4. In the "Forward my email to:" box, enter your personal or your preferred e-mail address 
  5. Select the "Keep a copy of forwarded messages" checkbox
  6. Click on Save


illustration of step one


 illustration of step two


illustration of the last steps

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